Web Integration
Download the latest SDK
You have two options for integrating the SDK into your project
Manually load the script tag
To install by script, add the falcon.js ES Module as a script to the <head>
element of your HTML. This allows any newly created Falcon objects to be globally accessible in your code.
Add the following line to your HTML file:
<title>Falcon Perks</title>
<script src="" async></script>
To integrate the Falcon Labs SDK through NPM:
Add the following line to your package.json:
"falcon-sdk": ""
Add the SDK Key
- Contact your Falcon Labs account manager to get your SDK key.
- Self serve [coming soon]
Initialize the Falcon SDK
Initialize the Falcon SDK with the SDK key.
FalconSDK.initSDK(key: "YOUR_SDK_KEY")
Once the SDK is loaded you are ready to call any of its method to surface Perk offerings in your application.
Create Placement
Placements are the containers that hold Perks. They are used to group Perks together based on their business logic. For example, you may have a Placement for "New Subscribers" and another for "Lapsed Subscribers". Each placement has a unique ID that you will use to display Perks in your app.
window.perksInstance = FalconSDK.createPerksInstance("YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID");
After instantiating a Placement, you can then load perks into it to be presented to your subscribers.
Load Perks
Load the Perks into the Placement. This will fetch the Perks from the Falcon
Showing Perks
Once the Perks are loaded, you can present the perk unit to your subscribers.
Handling Perk lifecycle events
To handle the lifecycle events of the Perks unit, you can implement the available callbacks. The most important is the addReadyCallback
method, which is called when the Perks are loaded and ready to be shown.
window.perksInstance.addReadyCallback((isReady) => {
// Perks are ready to be shown
window.perksInstance.addClickCallback((data) => {
// User has clicked to redeem one of the promotions and navigated outside the app to the perk providers page.
Full Example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
(async function () {
await FalconSDK.init('YOUR_SDK_KEY');
window.perksInstance = FalconSDK.createPerksInstance('YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID');
console.log("perksInstance", window.perksInstance);
window.perksInstance.addReadyCallback((isReady) => {
console.log('ready callback:', isReady);
window.perksInstance.addClickCallback((data) => {
console.log('link Clicked', data);
let answer = await window.perksInstance.loadPerks()
console.log("answer", answer);
console.log('is Ready:', window.perksInstance.isReady());
<button onclick="window.perksInstance.loadPerks()">Load Perks</button>
<button onclick="">Show</button>
<button onclick="window.perksInstance.hide()">Hide</button>
<button onclick="window.perksInstance.destroy()">Destroy</button>